November 15, 2008


I know I'm a few years (it came out in 2000) late coming around to this television show. But being a fan of both Simon Pegg and Nick frost and being bored one afternoon - I decided to take a little field trip over to our local Best buy and pick this up.

This show is hilarious. I know sometimes british humor can be sort of hard to swallow, but this show was right up my alley. You can see the beginnings of Shaun of the dead and hot fuzz in these two seasons. If you get a chance pick it up or netflix it, it's worth it.

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November 6, 2008

November 24th

Just a reminder, we'll be having our Holiday sale this year, all shirts $15.00 and free shipping on any orders over $30.00. So now would be the perfect time to find your favorite TOI shirt or find a pretty in-expensive christmas gift.

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November 5, 2008


I have fought back every urge to write something political on this blog.
But last night, well let me just say that last night was one of the most awe inspiring, most important, most confident endings to a presidential election that I have had the pleasure to be witness to.

I can't really put into words how much this election meant to me, I don't think I really realized it myself until after the results came in, and I watched everyone on every channel tear up a little.

And today has brought with it renewed hope, with friends and family calling to tell me how excited they are about this new president.

So really this post is just to say that I am proud to be an American.

November 2, 2008

coming down the pipeline

For the release of next year's shirts we're looking at having more of an illustrative feel to them. Drawing a lot of inspiration from old children's packaging, movie posters and some french prints thrown in for good flavor. It becomes very interesting to see what you can mix and match to come up with ideas.

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