June 19, 2008

Where does the time go?

I gotta say with summer kicking in full steam, time has become something of a hot commodity - Two events, new TOI apparel and work/real life are making me miss winter just a little bit.

First, just a heads up and something that we'll be talking about some more, is our TOI campus tour, the first being at my good ole' alma mater, Western Michigan University, in September. I'm really excited about it, since it will be a really good time getting to know new broncos, and watching their reaction to the new shirts - speaking of -

I love the classic monsters, Especially the wolfman, since, being a hairy bastard with canine like teeth, he was the one I related to the most, - this also carries into my love of beast from the x-man.

and finally something I'm still working on and trying to get right. the image below started out as a homeless man with the term "F*$#K you pay me" screened in glow ink and has eventually morphed into tattooed lady maybe or maybe not saying the same thing - I'm still working on it and am not sure if I'm getting it right yet. but right now still a pretty good image.

And also a prayer goes out to both Tim Russert and Stan Winstons' families. I love news and right now I'm addicted to MSNBC, Mr. Russert was a major reason for that. and Stan Winston helped to create iconic images - Terminator, Aliens, Iron Man, even the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. His amazing creativity will be missed.

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