January 28, 2008

free rice

Here's a really cool way to help the planet. the UN’s World Food Programme have created FreeRice.com which lets you answer questions about everyday words, which are then turned into rice donations that are shipped around the world. It also lets you take a look at what countries have already ahieved the goal of donating .1% of their national income to help struggling countries. Pretty cool.

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January 20, 2008


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who participated in the photo shoot this weekend. Great fun was had by all and I couldn't ask for better friends. Thanks
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January 13, 2008

I haven't had a chance to watch a full episode of Yo Gabba Gabba yet, (There's no tv in my office) but what I've seen on You Tube and the fantastic toys and clothes that Kid Robot has put together makes me want to find this on dvd and spend a weekend reliving my saturday morning childhood. By the by if anyone know when this is coming out on DVD please let me know.

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January 5, 2008


These are two of my nieces and nephews (I have six in total) they're two of the cutest kids you'll ever meet. I get caught up a lot of the time (Busier chasing my own tail, and trying to run this small part of the world.) but I love them all deeply. Part of the reason for the formation of TOI was to create something that my family could be proud of, (Or at least tell their friends about.) I don't get a lot of time to spend with them. But look at those cute faces and tell me that you wouldn't want to free up some time to go and see these kids and my family as much as possible.

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